Our whole-school homework this week is:
Reading: please make sure your child is reading on a daily basis.
Number Fact Fluency: Use Numbots or Times Table Rock Stars in regular short bursts.
Talk Time
This half-term, we’re learning about Computing in our topic lessons and this week’s question is linked:
Is playing computer games bad for your health?
Talk to people at home about this question. You may agree with each other. You may disagree. It’s important to listen to other peoples’ points of view and consider them.
What do you think about computer games? Are they a fun way to relax? Do they help people to develop new skills or knowledge? Do they allow people to connect with people (for example, playing a game with a cousin who lives in another country)?
Do they stop people from being physically active? Do people spend too much time looking at a screen? Do they get in the way of people getting enough sleep?
These R2s will get you thinking critically about your own ideas:
- What reasons can you think of in support of time travel?
- Are there reasons why you might be against it?
- Challenge: Rank your ideas by importance. Imagine you could only do five, or maybe even three things.