2C update

Friday 04 October 2024

Thhe We’ve had another great week in the 2C classroom. We started off with a very rainy week which included lots of indoor play times, so we are very happy to see the sun shining this Friday!


Reading and writing

We have been enjoying a new book this week called ‘Vlad and the Great Fire of London’. This book is about a flea and his rat friend Boxton. In the book the pair tell a story of their own experience of the Great Fire of London. We’ve been interpreting what parts of the book mean. We have also been analysing the illustrations and discussing some of the vocabulary  in the book. We’ve also been writing our own sentences about the Fire.


In Maths this week we have continued to look at place value. At the start of the week we looked at related facts e.g. if 4 + 4 = 8, then 40 + 40 = 80.

We have also started partitioning two digit numbers flexibly. For example if we know that 81 = 80 + 1, we also know that 81 = 70 + 11 and 81 = 60 + 21.


We learnt about reptiles and amphibians this week in Science.  The children know that they have some similarities but also some big differences. We sorted the animals into categories and researched some facts using books from our fantastic reading corner.


Our current Topic in History is the Great Fire of London. We have been learning about what exactly caused the fire this week and why it spread so fast.


Drop down morning

Today, we spent some of the morning recapping Topic learning from last year. This included discussing the oceans. continents and the countries that make up the UK. We also looked at shops from the past and compared them to shops in the present.  Finally we each had a turn playing with the Beebots.


Quick message – Thank you to all of those that attended ‘Watch us while we work’ this week. It was great to see so many adults supporting their children and hopefully you’ve gone away with ideas on how you can help with learning at home.

Thanks, Miss Young 🙂