3,4A Class News

Friday 22 March 2024

It’s been another busy week at Scholes as we’ve been completing end-of-term assessments and gearing up for next week’s production.

Thank you to everyone who joined us on Monday for our topic review on computing. We’ve been working on applying different coding concepts using Scratch Jr so it was great to show this in action. Today in 3,4A, we focused on the term ‘decomposition’ – the process of breaking down instructions into smaller, more manageable steps – to create our own ‘crossy road’ game. Please see an example below.

Scratch Jr


In other news, 3/4A won the trophy this week for the Times Table Rockstars competition across the phase – great work, team! Times tables continue to be a key focus for us.

Help at home by continuing to help your child access TTRS. Y3s, please focus on x3, x4 and x8. Y4s, focus on the times table you feel least confident with.

We look forward to welcoming lots of parents and carers next week for the show – Gladis Baker, Gladiator!

Gladis Baker, Gladiator