Thursday 11 January 2024


Happy New Year! Welcome back everyone! We hope you’ve had a lovely, restful break and that you’re full of energy for another busy and exciting half term at school.


A New Topic For Key Stage One.

This half term is all about History and we will be looking at how shopping has changed for people over time. We will be looking at Briggate High Street and we have an exciting trip to Abbey House booked to support our learning in school.

Our new Topic was kicked off this week by thinking about the past and by introducing timelines. We thought about the things that have happened in our past and thought about the order in which they happened. In groups, we sequenced events from our own lives and discovered that a timeline can be different for different people depending on the order things happen to individual people.

Help at home: by talking about the past and the present. You could talk about your childhood and how it may be similar or different to now. What was your house like? Which TV programs did you watch? What kind of toys did you play with? What kinds of foods did you eat? Can you compare the things that are in your child’s living memory, your living memory or even the living memory of the oldest generation in your family?