Anti-bullying week

Monday 14 November 2022

This week is anti-bullying week in school. Our children and staff were all encouraged to come into school with odd socks today to show their support. We wear odd socks to show that everyone is different but we should be treated equally. One child in 2C said;

‘We are all unique and special in our own way.’

In our school, we define bullying as:





We discussed in detail what we meant by this and used example scenarios in class. We also discussed who we might speak to if we witness or experience bullying and what we might do. If bullying occurs we should:





Help at home by speaking to your children about the definition of bullying. Is it happening several times on purpose? Encourage your children to Reach Out! We want to Scholes being a happy and healthy place to learn.

(This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)