We were really pleased that Peter Rabbit’s friend, George, could visit us on Tuesday afternoon. The children were really well behaved; they asked Gemma lots of questions about how to look after rabbits and they were gentle and calm around George. Photographs to follow!
Children have been fascinated with the tadpoles and have really enjoyed observing them closely with magnifying glasses and finding out about their life cycles in non-fiction books. They’re looking forward to watching them develop into tiny froglets!
On Friday morning, we were really lucky to be able to watch the ladies Tour De Yorkshire race from the playground. We took the flags that we had made and waved them, cheering as the cyclists, flashing police bikes and a helicopter went past. Afterwards, we stayed with the older children in school to watch a skipping performance and we took part in Wake Up Shake Up.
Week 3 – What are we learning this week?
We’re going to continue our learning about growth and life cycles, focussing on plants this week. We will learn:
- about the life cycle of a bean plant. We will plant our own seeds in bags and cups so that we can closely watch what happens. We’re hoping to see something similar to this video.
- about the letter sound ‘n’. Listen to the Jolly Phonics ‘n’ song.
- to operate a remote-controlled toy around Mr McGregor’s garden.
- to use positional language to describe where Peter Rabbit is hiding. There’s a video on YouTube that might give you more of an idea of the type of language that children need to be able to use. For example, Peter Rabbit is… in, on top of, underneath, behind the table.
- about bubbles – they seem to be a common interest amongst many children at the moment!