We had such a busy week learning the songs and rehearsing for our Christmas sing a long. We can’t wait to share it with you on Monday and Tuesday and hope you enjoy watching.
We’ve enhanced many of our areas of provision to provide lots of opportunities to learn about Christmas and talk about the traditions that some families join in with at this time of year. Here are a few photos from this week. You can see that we have been very busy…
- Using our fine motor skills to decorate the Christmas trees using tweezers.
- Using our number skills to count the decorations on the trees.
- Making paper chains, it took lots of concentration to thread the paper carefully.
- Wrapping presents in the Elf workshop.
- Making Christmas cards for our families.
- Exploring our sensory Christmas scene.
Next week:
We will consolidate the letter sounds that we have learnt so far – s, a, t, p, i and n.
Help at home: In group time, our sound bag had lots of ‘n’ objects including a nest, a net and a nurse. What can you find around the house that begins with the ‘n’ sound? What other ‘n’ objects could we have put in our sound bag?
- Our Early Years Christmas Sing a Long will take place on Monday 16 December at 1.30 – 2.15pm and on Tuesday 19 December at 9.45 – 10.30am.
- Our ‘Stay and Decorate‘ sessions take place next week on Wednesday 18 December 9.00- 9.45am or 2.00 -2.45 pm and Thursday 19 December 9.00-9.45am. We can’t wait to welcome you all.
- Our Nursery Party is on Friday 20 December from 10-11.15am. Children can attend Nursery wearing their party clothes. Please remember that we will still take part in Nursery activities (which can be messy) and we’ll also be outside so footwear needs to be sensible.