What a busy week it has been in Class 5/6A this week. The half-term holiday is on the horizon and our pupils will be ready for their break after working so hard all week. Let’s see what they’ve been getting up to.
Year 6 pupils have had SATS exam practice this week across Maths, Spelling and Grammar. The results at this stage provide an indication as to how on track our pupils are to reaching Age Related Expectations (AREs) and beyond, and identify areas we can support them to help achieve these. Help at home: Continue supporting your child at home by working with them on learning of spellings, and ensuring they access Times Table Rockstars on a daily basis for around 10-15 minutes.
Year 5 Maths have come to the end of their work on multiplication, looking at 3-digit by 2-digit, and 4-digit by 2-digit calculations. Pupils have worked very hard this week to cement their understanding of how to tackle such questions. In Reading, we have looked at our class novel, The Nowhere Emporium, and explored how the author, Ross Mackenzie, builds up excitement through descriptive and emotive language in the prologue to help entice the reader to continue further into the book.
Towards the end of the week in Writing we finished the first draft of persuasive letters to Graham Stuart, UK Minister for Climate, in getting him and parliament to do more to combat climate change. We will be publishing these next week with a view to sending these onto Graham. Here’s hoping our superb writing can inspire Mr. Stuart to put our plans into action.
Finally, a huge well done to all of our certificate winners today. It has been lovely to see so many of the class nominating each other for a Positive Peer award, recognising ways that they make each other’s day happier and healthier in school.
I look forward to seeing you all at Parent’s Evening next week!
Mr. Robson