We’ve enjoyed listening to ‘Dinosaur Roar‘ during our story times in Nursery this week. We talked about the different parts of a book, including the front and back cover, the title and blurb. As we read the story, we identified the words on the page and followed them with our finger as we read from left to right.
Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog (it’s along the play bar) and turn off auto play – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.
Dinosaur roar, dinosaur squeak. Dinosaur fierce, dinosaur meek. Dinosaur fast, dinosaur slow… We looked at the illustrations and talked about the meaning of the different words in the story. Children loved working together to add lumps, spikes and claws to a giant dinosaur.
In our maths area, children have been counting and sorting dinosaurs by type and colour.
We’re also learning about the number two. We found a domino that had one spot on one end, and one spot on the other. When we looked at the spots together, there were two. Children knew that they had 2 eyes, 2 ears and 2 feet. We jumped twice and counted two claps. Have a look at home – What can you find two of? You might see two wheels on your bike or 2 eggs left in the box. Can you spot any number twos on doors or number plates?
In the sensory area, we loved playing with the slime in our dinosaur swamp! Ergh.. it’s very sticky!
Outside, we talked about the changes in the weather. It was very, very windy on Wednesday and we could hear it blowing through the branches in the trees. Children enjoyed holding onto a piece of fabric to feel, and see it blowing in the wind.