Fab Feedback

Tuesday 24 October 2023

We’re nearly at the end of our first half term – it’s been a long one with lots going on.

I wanted to share some of the ‘Fab Feedback’ we’ve had over the last few weeks.


We received a certificate from Wetherby and District Foodbank to say that our contribution amounted to 453 meals.  That’s a really amazing achievement and will make a huge difference to so many families.

Watch us While we Work

At the beginning of October, we invited parents into school to watch their  child learning and hopefully to takeaway some top tips for helping at home.  Lots of parents gave us positive feedback with many saying that they got some great ideas on how to teach times tables and spellings.  Some parents took away tips on how they could support with reading by using techniques like echo reading or working through a RIC (retrieval, inference/interpretation, choice (author’s choice) process.  Most ‘Even better if …’ were to hold more of these sessions! We do have another coming up 26.01.24, 2.30 – 3.10.  We also have two topic reviews coming up: 01.12.23, 2.30 -3.10 and 18.03.24, 2.30-2.10.

Stay and Learn

Our reception parents also came into school to join in with a stay and learn session.  Lots of parents took away a better understanding of our phonics teaching saying that they now understood what segmenting and blending was all about.  Again, parents made comments about how they would try to use some of the reading strategies at home.  ‘Even better if…’ was all about bigger chairs!!

Open morning

For parents looking for a reception place in 2024, last week, we had our first of three open mornings.  Our amazing Year 6 children showed our visitors around school.  We got lots of feedback about what an amazing job they’d done, how confident and polite they’d been and how knowledgeable they were about our school.  We couldn’t have been more proud of them.  The second and third of our open sessions are coming up: 16.11.23, 1.30-2.30 and 01.12.23, 9.30-10.30.  If you, or anyone you know, are looking for a reception place in September 2024, please come along to one of these sessions.  No need to book.

Visitors to school

We’re always welcoming visitors to school and almost all of them have made the comment about how polite and respectful our children are.  The greetings at the gate are an indication of what it feels like to walk around our school.  It certainly feels like a happy and healthy place to learn.