Happy New Year! We’re looking forward to seeing lots of refreshed, smiling faces this week and we can’t wait to find out all about your Christmas excitement and holiday adventures. Don’t forget to e-mail us some photographs and let us know what you have been up to over the last two weeks. The children love to share their photographs with their friends and it’s a great opportunity for them to develop their speaking and listening skills.
Before the holidays, children really enjoyed counting buttons onto a gingerbread man on the interactive whiteboard. This led to discussions about ‘The Gingerbread Man’ story which is one of our nursery favourites. Some children were familiar with the traditional tale, whilst others hadn’t heard it before. This week, we’re going to enjoy listening to the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and will hopefully be able to use the small world story props to re-tell the story.
You may even be able to smell something delicious cooking over the next two weeks…
If you have the story at home, you could read it together this week to help familiarise your child with the story.