It has been a very busy week in Nursery. We have noticed the children enjoying building and designing, using their imagination and skills of cooperation to work together with their friends. They have also been using construction kits to create their own designs.
“Will this fit?”
“Try this one, we need a straight bit”
“It’s an aeroplane with wings, here are the windows”
We have also been thinking about harvest time. We talked about all the vegetables that are harvested in Autumn. We made our own farm outside with vegetables to harvest and used our senses to explore corn.
We also continued our interest in conkers by rolling and balancing them, using our fine motor control to help us. It was tricky!
Thanks to everyone who brought in Autumn treasures we shared our final few this week. So many interesting things corn, pumpkins, conkers and acorns. We have really enjoyed exploring their contents and finding out all about them.
Help at home
This week we have been working very hard at taking care of ourselves. One of the Prime Areas of learning in Early Years is Personnel, Social and Emotional Development, so learning to take care of ourselves is very much part of our curriculum.
We encourage the children to put on their coats and fasten them up independently.
Changing from wellies to shoes is something that we do many times throughout the day. Pushing your foot into your shoes can be tricky but with some practice we can do it.
We have had quite a few coughs and colds this week so our ” nose blowing area” has had lots of use. Getting a tissue and looking in the mirror to check that your nose is clean helps to develop independence.
These skills of independence are something that you can help with at home. Supporting your child to put on their own coat and shoes, to wipe their nose independently and to wash and dry their hands.
Next week in nursery will be our final week of the half term. Our story next week is Room on the Broom, it’s written by the very popular author, Julia Donaldson. You may be familiar with the story from the BBC version. You can watch it on BBC iplayer
Our Nursery Rhyme of the week is Incey Wincey Spider Can you sing this at home?
Nursery closes for half term on Thursday 24 October.
We will return to Nursery on Monday 04 November.