Harvest time

Friday 14 October 2022

Thank you for your generous donations for our Harvest Festival on Tuesday.  We watched a short clip together and talked about harvest time. Outside, children have really enjoyed playing in the farm small world area and ‘harvesting’ the vegetables on the farm. We’ve also enjoyed sorting farm animals in our maths area (by type and size), singing ‘Old Mac Donald had a farm’ and completing some farm animal jigsaws.


We continued learning about autumn and used all of the treasure that we’d collected in our autumn bags to create some Andy Goldsworthy inspired art outside. We looked at some of his art and talked about what he had used and the shapes that we could see. We noticed leaves, sticks and stones and lots of circle shapes. Children also enjoyed playing in our new woodland small world area in the Sunshine room. What animals might you find in the wood?


Following on from an interest in ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ last week, children have enjoyed mixing porridge oats and re-telling the story with their friends.

We’ve been busy ‘mark making’ in a number of ways, including drawing and also dipping conkers in paint to see what marks they make when they roll!
