Living and Learning

Wednesday 22 January 2025

Our Living and Learning statement this week is ‘I can assess my own risks.’ This week, KS1 went on a Geography trip into Scholes. We did some fieldwork and collected data about our local area. Before we went on the walk the children discussed what risks we might come across and how we could stay safe.

One of the risks we talked about what cars coming past us. We could stay safe by wearing a high visibility jacket (so that we could be seen), stick with our partner and watch where we are walking (on the path).

We assess our risks every day. Another risk we assess regularly is the safety of our school playground when it has been raining. We know it can be quite slippery after it has rained. To keep safe, we walk and don’t run and we stay off the equipment.

Help at home by discussing what risks children might face and how they can be avoided in order to keep safe.