Living and Learning: Being Safe

Monday 03 February 2025

Over the last two weeks, Year 3 and 4 have been learning all about staying safe in our Living and Learning sessions.

In the first of our two sessions, we learnt about how to assess our own risks and personal boundaries. We learnt to explain what is meant by ‘personal space’ and ‘personal boundaries’ and why these are important. We moved on to describe how boundaries might be different for different people or in different relationships e.g. with friends, family, at school or online. Finally, we identified what might make someone feel uncomfortable and what they could do or who they could go to for help and support.

In the second of our two sessions, we watched the NSPCC Speak Out, Stay Safe Assembly and discussed how we can seek help. We talked about the different reasons why we might need to seek help and who we can talk to. This could be…
– a parent
– an adult at home
– your teacher
– a member of staff at school
– a grandparent or auntie and uncle

Well done, Year 3 and 4!