Magnificent Maths!

Monday 27 January 2025

Since the start of this term, Y3 and Y4 have been learning Maths together with their usual class teacher.

So far, this has gone really well and the Y4s have been great at furthering their learning and the Y3s have really benefitted from having supportive peers whilst learning to help push them further.

This half term, we’ve been learning about:
– measure (mm, cm, m and km)
– perimeter (of squares, rectangles and polygons)
– multiplication and scaling facts (I know that 5×4=20. So, I also know that 5×40=200)

Help at home: test your child’s knowledge of the areas of Maths we’ve covered so far. Can they tell you what perimeter is? Can they answer some scaled multiplication questions?

Help at home (part 2): Ensure your child goes on TTRS for at least 5 minutes per day in order to help improve their rapid recall of their multiplication facts. This will massively help with all areas of maths in Y3 and 4 and beyond! Plus, it’s awesome to win the inflatable guitar in assembly each week!

Mr Wain, Mrs Wadsworth and Miss Gilliland