We’re into the final half-term of the school year – it’s always a busy one, so please keep an eye on the school calendar. Coming up soon are a few things you might want to know about…
For children in Year 1 and some children in Year 2: Next week, children in Year 1 (and those who didn’t meet the standard who are in Year 2) will take part in an assessment around their phonics skills. Check out the government’s phonics screening check information for parents.
For children in Year 4: Also next week, Year 4 children will take an online assessment to check their quick recall of times tables and division facts. Check out the guide for parents. Keep practising on Times Tables Rock Stars!
For all children: On Tuesday 18 June, the school photographer is in to take class photos.
Next week, look out for the link to our annual survey of parents and carers. too.
Attendance matters
At the start of every half-term, we review our attendance. For the full school year so far, up to the end of the Summer 1 half-term (Thursday 23 May), the whole school attendance figure was 95.8%. That’s comfortably higher than the national figure up to Friday 17 May for primary schools: 94.7%. Thank you for your support.
How does each class compare?
- Sunshine (Miss Parling) 94.7%
- Rainbow (Mrs Allen-Kelly & Mrs Flynn) 95.9%
- 1A (Mrs Brown and Mrs Wilkins) 95.5%
- 1/2B (Mrs Latham) 96.2%
- 2C (Miss Young) 95.7%
- 3/4A (Mrs Paterson) 95.8%
- 3/4B (Miss Iveson) 96.5%
- 3/4C (Mrs Wadsworth) 96.3%
- 5/6A (Mr Wain) 96.2%
- 5/6B (Mrs Hogath) 95.4%
- 5/6C (Mr Lindsay) 95.7%
Let’s keep up this great achievement!
Send support
SENDIASS support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents and carers to help with their related concerns or questions. They provide a free, impartial and confidential service through their website and online resources. You can self-refer to this service by contacting them directly. Find out more about SENDIASS in this short clip.
Here are the dates of forthcoming support sessions.
Have a happy and healthy weekend.