We hope your Easter break was a good one. As usual in our first message of the term, we kick off with an attendance update…
Amazing attendance
For the full Autumn and Spring terms (04 September 2023 to 28 March 2024), our whole school attendance figure is 95.8%. This continues to be above the national figure – thank you.
All the classes are doing well – they’re all above the national attendance figure for primary schools (94.6%), so well done to everyone.
- Sunshine (Miss Parling): 94.7%
- Rainbow (Mrs Allen-Kelly and Mrs Flynn): 95.2%
- 1A (Mrs Brown and Mrs Wilkins): 95.5%
- 1/2B (Mrs Latham): 96.1%
- 2C (Miss Young): 95.8%
- 3/4A (Mrs Paterson): 96%
- 3/4B (Miss Iveson): 96.4%
- 3/4C (Mrs Wadsworth): 96.2%
- 5/6A (Mr Wain): 95.9%
- 5/6B (Mrs Hogarth): 95.4%
- 5/6C (Mr Lindsay): 95.3%
Contact details
Finally, a quick reminder: if there are any new contact details for you or other people on our records, please remember to let us know. We need up-to-date details for the people on our lists in case of emergencies. (The people on our lists are the ones you gave us when your child started school – in most cases, this will be three different people.)
Special needs support
Leeds SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice Support Service) have some drop-in sessions coming up if you’d like to receive information and advice about SEND services in Leeds. They’re also running a series of specific events.
Finally, when one of us stands at the school gate at the start and end of the day, we love to hear a friendly ‘hello’ or ‘goodbye’. It’s something we’ve been working on across the year – not only is it a polite thing to do, but it helps to develop children’s confidence and positive relationships. We’re really pleased to see that more and more often, children are doing this naturally. Thank you for helping us with this, too!