Our weekly message (Friday 21 June 2024)

Friday 21 June 2024

First off this week… Don’t forget out Sports Roundabout on Monday afternoon (this is a whole school event – come and watch your child work as part of a team) and Key Stage 2 Sports Afternoon on Friday afternoon (come and watch your child join in some competitive races).


Every year, we review our Uniform Policy. We know some parents/carers like to start preparing early for the new school year, so please read the latest version.

Please note what we expect children to wear on PE days – it basically only involves a change for the bottom half:

item description additional notes
t-shirt indoor: plain white t-shirt (long or short sleeved)

outdoor: as above, plus the school uniform top

– for an extra layer, wear school top/fleece

– this can be a t-shirt or polo-shirt (shirts with logos are available, but not essential)

– avoid short tops (eg crop tops)

shorts plain grey/black/navy shorts or PE skirt – avoid very short shorts
tracksuit bottoms plain grey/black/navy tracksuit bottoms/leggings – ideal for outdoor use
footwear indoor: plain pumps/trainers

outdoor: plain trainers

– trainers can be those worn to school

– avoid bright colours

Annual survey

Your views count. Every year, we ask for your views and we follow up on as many as we can. Thank you to the 63 parents/carers who have already completed it. If you’ve not yes, there’s still time: please complete this year’s survey before the 05 July deadline.

Are you looking for a Nursery place?

Might you be thinking about sending your child to Nursery in the future?

If so, why not come to our Open Morning on Saturday 29 June, 10am to 12pm. We’ll be opening our Nursery doors for you and your child to come and have a look around. Our Nursery staff will be available to answer any questions you may have.


It’s not been a great summer yet, has it? With the hope we might enjoy some sunnier days ahead, don’t forget to follow the NHS advice on sun protection for your child.