Owl Babies

Friday 06 December 2024

This week we’ve been reading Owl Babies by Martin Waddell.

We’ve been following a story map and rehearsing actions to retell the story from the beginning to the end.

Take a look at our story actions!

In our writing, we had a go at writing a dictated caption ‘Bill is sad’ and had a try at writing our own sentences to match our action photo.

Science; Nocturnal animals

We’ve continued exploring nocturnal animals this week.

Ask your child if they can explain what a nocturnal animal is and if they can name any!

Maths; counting, ordinality and cardinality 

In Maths, we’ve revisited careful counting. Making sure we say our numbers in the correct sequence (ordinality) and stopping ‘at the stopping number’ (cardinality)

In provision, we’ve been using dice with both standard and irregular dot patterns on. We’ve been subitising the number we roll and then matching it by counting out and placing the correct number of objects onto a tens frame.

Art; festive projects!

We’ve been busy making some festive masterpieces! We want to keep them a surprise but here are a few snapshots of us busily creating.

Learning journey drop-ins

Thank you to parents and carers who were able to join us for the first look at you child’s learning journey book. We’ll be inviting you back in to look at these again on specific dates in March and July but they are also available at all times in the classroom, should you wish to take a peek.

Don’t forget, each child also has their own special wall space to collect their independent learning examples throughout the current term. We call these our ‘I feel proud’ walls.


Autumn 2 week   has focused on words with s /s/ added at the end (hats, sits), words ending s /z/ (his) and with s /z/ added at the end (bags)

We’ve learnt the tricky words; we, me, be

Tricky words are words that should be read by sight.

In provision, we’ve been spotting and circling our focus tricky words.

Poetry Picnic

Each week we will be learning a new poem. We will recite this poem each day. By saying the poem out loud, we can focus on the sounds and rhythm of each word or line. We talk to the children about how this can help us become better readers.

We are currently rehearsing for our Christmas performance, so will be concentrating the three poems below.  There will not be recordings of these as to not spoil the big reveal on our show days!

Help at home; The Journey of a letter

Next week, we’ll be reading The Jolly Christmas Postman and learning about the journey of a letter when it has been posted.

To help with our discussions, we’d love to share some photos of your child at their local post box.

Send your photos to: scholesreception@spherefederation.org

We are also asking you to send in one stamp for your child, to support our learning next week.

More learning this week…

Diary Dates

Friday 13 December 3.15-4.15   FOSP Christmas Disco (bring named party clothes in a bag to change into at the end of the school day)

Monday 16 December 1.30pm / Tuesday 17 December 9.45am Early Years Christmas Performance

Thursday 19 December Christmas Dinner

Friday 20 December Non-uniform day. Christmas Party Day.