What fun everyone had during the half term holidays.
Thank you for sharing all your half term fun with us! It was wonderful to hear about all the different activities and adventures the children experienced. We love to share news, photographs and souvenirs during group time. It provides an excellent opportunity for developing your child’s speaking and listening skills and of course, helps them to gain the confidence to talk to their peers. There was a delicious smell coming from nursery this week as we made pumpkin soup. The children helped to chop the vegetables and picked different herbs from the outdoor area to flavour the soup! There were some very creative potions made in the water and sand as the children explored capacity, colour and let their imaginations run wild with some very horrible looking ‘recipes’. Outdoors, some very observant children found the biggest worm on the grass which grew and grew before our eyes as it wriggled under the soil. We began to discuss length and use lots of different words to describe and compare the size of the worm. “It’s enormous…the longest worm I’ve ever seen!” The children have loved making their own obstacle courses in the large construction area. There was lots of cooperative play, mark making and number play as we awarded prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places!.
What we are learning this week
Leading on from the Guy Fawkes weekend fun, we will be having a bonfire and firework theme as we incorporate all the wonderful colours, sounds and shapes into our provision. Outdoors, we look forward to using the ribbons and scarves to dance and move like fireworks. We will be getting very messy as we create our own firework art on a large scale using the powder paints and some very interesting paint flicking techniques – please see this week’s reminders! We shall be talking about the children’s own experiences and continuing with the safety messages highlighted at this time of year relating to fire. This of course leads into creating a ‘firefighter’ small world area to reinforce learning across so many of the areas; language, creative play and making relationships to name a few. By using bubble wrap, we hope to not only recreate the ‘popping’ sound of their fireworks but also strengthen our fingers in preparation for the super mark making (early or ‘developmental’ writing) we do during our play. We will continue to use number skills as we count out objects from a larger group and learn another number song about 5 firefighters!
- If you have any old adult shirts could you please send them to nursery to protect clothing during our firework art activities. We do have some but possibly not enough to go round everyone.
- Please check the entrance area towards the end of the week for signing up sheets for Parents meetings. These will take place W/C 20th November and be held over several days and at various times as to provide as much choice as possible.
- If you would like to share any none urgent information with us please get in touch using the nursery email scholesf1@spherefederation.org
Thank you for your continued support.