At the start of the day, Miss Hague usually arrives in school at 7:30 then checks if staff are in and catches up with emails for the first hour between 7:30 – 8:30. She opens the gate at 8:35 and closes the gate at 8:55. Miss Hague will then come in and have meetings with parents and other people who work with schools to support children.
Did you know….
Miss Hague is also the SENCO. This means she is the Special
Educational Needs Coordinator for our school.
At 12:00, Miss Hague will work with children individually. Then, at 12:15 she helps supervise our lunchtime. Every Friday, children do litter picking for their amazing jobs with Miss Hague.
In the afternoon, Miss Hague will meet with children, have more meetings, visit classrooms and do lots of work on her laptop. An assembly is always provided on a Monday. After her busy day, she opens the gates at 3:05, unless it is raining and then she asks Mr Catherall to do it! But if she doesn’t go out she does more work on the laptop.
There is always going to be something different or unexpected almost everyday. Sometimes there are nice emails or complaints about bad parking. Miss Hague has also spent 7 years of being the head teacher of our school. She really enjoys her job and is really proud of it.