We are continuing to be chemists this half term and we have carried out some great experiments so far. This week, the children planned out an investigation into which ingredients make the best glue. They could choose between baking powder, flour, cornflour, sugar and salt. They could create any combination and mix it with 5ml of water. They mixed their glue and then stuck two pieces of paper together and hung them on a line to dry. When we were convinced they were dry, we had a competition to see which glue was the strongest. This involved a very tense period of time in which they pegged pegs onto the paper until it broke. I think we created a new world record as one group managed to peg on 86 pegs! Who knew that we were so good at making glue!?
Help at home: use the link to investigate the history of glue with your child. There is some gory stuff, so beware!