Sharing a Shell

Friday 21 June 2024

During story time this week, we read ‘Sharing a Shell‘ by Julia Donadlson. We talked about trips to the seaside and some of the things that we’d found on the beach.

Seaside photographs

Thank you to everyone that has sent in a seaside photograph so far. It’s not too late if you’d like to email us one photograph of your child at the seaside – we’ll look at them during snack time and talk about our favourite things to do on the beach.

Children have enjoyed exploring shells and sorting them into different shapes and sizes.  We painted some large scallop shells and also used wax crayons to rub over paper placed over the top of shells. Children noticed the patterns and stripes of the shell as they rubbed over the shell.

In maths, we’ve been learning about capacity. We’ve been talking about when something is ‘full’ or ’empty’.

Help at home: Use these words together at home when you’re playing, in the bath or cooking. Is it full or empty? How do you know?  

Next week’s learning

We’ll continue with our sea side theme and will listen to ‘Commotion in the Ocean‘ at story time to find out about different sea creatures.

Nursery rhyme of the week – Ring a ring a roses

Phonics – Children in Red, Blue and Green group are re-visiting all of the sounds they have learnt this year and will be playing games to practise some key phonics skills including: