Slippery slime and tiny tadpoles

Tuesday 24 April 2018

We’ve had a great start to the week. On Monday morning, children helped Miss Backhouse to follow some instructions for how to make slime. They helped to measure out a cup of glue, a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda, a tablespoon of a special ingredient and a splash of colour and they mixed them all together in a bowl. The result was a bowl full of colourful slime! It provided lots of opportunities to talk about its texture and properties. Some children realised that they could stretch it and stretch it and stretch it… We talked about the length of their ‘slime worms’ and compared them to find out which was the longest and shortest worm.

If you’d like to make some at home, follow the recipe that we used.

On Tuesday morning, some children noticed that there was a new tank on display in the Quiet room. After closer investigation, they could see that it contained a jelly-like substance and some tiny ‘fish’.  We talked about what was in the tank and used some non-fiction books to find out more information.  Children were very excited to discover that they’re not tiny fish, but tadpoles!  We’re looking forward to learning all about the life cycle of a frog and watching the tadpoles grow and change over the next few weeks.