Spider Sandwiches

Friday 03 May 2024

This week, children have been searching for spiders in Nursery and looking for their webs.   We sang Incy Wincy Spider  and  made spiders in the malleable area using playdough. First, we had to roll a ball to make the body and then we rolled sausage shapes to add on the legs. Some children managed to count 8 legs to put on their spiders!

In the maths area, we sorted spiders by size and counted spiders carefully to match the numeral written on each web.   During group time, older children counted spiders and looked at which web had the most/fewest spiders. We also talked about what happened if we had ‘one more’ or ‘one less’ spider on the web. For example: ‘There are 4 spiders on the web, 1 spider runs away. How many will be left? How do you know?’ 

In our phonics group time, the older children learnt a new sound -V. We looked at some objects and had to listen carefully to the sound that they started with.   Can you hear a ‘V’ sound at the beginning of the word?  Which is the odd one out?

Help at home: 

For children moving into Reception in September, play games like ‘I spy’ where you have to listen carefully to the initial sounds in words.  Get three objects, two that begin with the same sound and one that starts with a different sound. Can they spot the odd one out and tell you why? E.g.  car, cookie, banana.

For children that are in yellow group and will stay in Nursery next year, begin to listen to sounds around you as you’re out and about. What can children hear in their environment?  Can they hear birds singing, a fridge humming, a bell ringing?

Our other learning and interests this week have included:

Next week’s learning:

Have you seen the tadpoles in Nursery? Next week, we’ll learn about the life cycle of a frog and check to see if there have been any changes to our caterpillars. They were VERY big at the end of last week!

Sound of the week – W for wave

Nursery Rhyme of the week – 5 Little Speckled Frogs