Staying safe at Scholes

Tuesday 09 October 2018

At Scholes (Elmet) Primary, we place keeping our children safe – both physically and emotionally – as our top priority. We recently invited someone from Leeds LA to come in to school to audit all our safeguarding procedures. The purpose of the audit was to ‘assist schools in evaluating their procedures for Safeguarding and Child Protection’ – it’s something that many schools request in order to make sure their procedures are as robust as they can be.

We’re happy to tell you the audit went really well – some aspects of our procedures were even identified as exemplary!

Final comments in the report are:

I was shown around the school where I observed that the Living and Learning theme is embedded and visible to all pupils and staff and that notice boards and displays were of a high standard.

I spoke to 3 pupils who were confident in telling me about who they could go to in school for support and how they are taught to keep themselves safe on line.  They all stated clearly that they felt safe in school because of the teachers they have around them, their friends and the fences around the school grounds.  They could also tell me about the different coloured lanyards issued to visitors and staff in school and why they are different colours.

It is clear to see that the safety and welfare of the children at Scholes (Elmet) Primary School is of high importance and the staff and SLT [Senior Leadership Team] have worked hard to meet the needs of its children and families.

The evidence presented for the audit was good and very thorough and the preventative approach through the curriculum was shown to be excellent.

Scholes (Elmet) Primary is a happy and healthy and safe place to learn.