Stick Man

Saturday 07 December 2024

We’ve  started to get festive in Nursery this week. We all helped to put up the Christmas tree, we hope that you like it!

We made paper chains to decorate nursery, it was a bit tricky to thread them together but we did it.

In the home corner, children enjoyed decorating the Christmas tree and re-creating some experiences from home.

We’ve  enjoyed listening to Stick Man by Julia Donaldson and helping to recreate it using our story props. The children loved exploring our Christmas sensory tray, finding objects that “made a noise”, some to “sprinkle”, some that were “soft” and some that were “stretchy”

Outside the children loved decorating our winter trees with baubles and tinsel.

We made Christmas trees in the dough, carefully decorating them.

We’ve also been busy learning our Christmas songs, maybe you’ve been hearing them at home? We can’t wait to sing them at our Christmas sing- a long.

Help at home

Can you find some long and short objects around the house? Which is the longest piece of tinsel on your Christmas tree? Which is the shortest?

Let us know what you find.

Next week’s learning: 

We’ll continue with our Christmas themed learning and will find out about the Nativity story.

In maths, we continue to learn about length so will be using the words long, short, longer and shorter to compare different objects.

Nursery rhyme of the week – We’ll be busy learning songs for our sing – a long, so please keep singing your favourite rhymes together at home.

Here is a reminder of the Nursery rhymes we have covered this half term

Wind the Bobbin up.

Hickory Dickory Dock.

1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive.

Twinkle twinkle Little Star.

Sound of the week – N n for net

Open your lips a bit, put your tongue behind your teeth and make a nnnnnn sound.
