It’s our last Friday’s message of Autumn 1 half-term.
Today’s a training day in school. All the teachers across Sphere Federation have gathered together to learn more about Maths, PE and Art. They’re learning about it in a carousel of phases – Early Years and Y1,2 in one, Y3,4 in another, and Y5,6 in the third.
In last week’s message, we announced our new Junior Leadership Team. This week, we thought you might like to hear from some them, talking about their favourite aspects of Scholes (Elmet) Primary…
- Jenson, Y2: “Our school library is full of fun, exciting books that we get to take home.”
- Eric, Y6: “I find maths puzzling and fun at the same time because it makes me feel challenged.”
- Noah, Y6: “We do a variety of different topics ranging from Geography to Computing. This helps us learn about the world.”
- Eric, Y6: “I find it fun testing different things like running around with bin bags.”
- Emilia, Y6: “Living and Learning allows us to share our thoughts and feelings.”
- Lani, Y4: “I enjoy playtime as everyone gets to play with each other.”
- Caleb, Y4: “Our teachers make lessons interesting and fun – we get to enjoy our learning.”
- Lani, Y4: “I enjoy assemblies because I get to think and learn about different things from around the world.”
- Thea, Y4: “Mrs Hague always helps us and she is a very kind person.”
- Noah, Y6: “Mr Roundtree is polite and never forgets to greet people when he’s at the gate.”
- Olivia, Y2: “Our school has lots of things to do after school like dancing and football.”
These comments now feature at the foot of the homepage of our website, too.
Leeds City Council Admissions Policy – consultation
Leeds City Council is running a public consultation on the 2025/2026 admission policy for Leeds community and voluntary controlled schools. You can share your views until 4 December. Share your views.
It’s been an extra long Autumn 1 half-term – eight weeks. Lots of children are tired – a break will be welcome to relax and recuperate. We hope you’re able to enjoy a longer weekend and a great half-term break.