Tiny tadpoles

Friday 10 May 2024

Have you seen the tadpoles in Nursery? Children are fascinated watching them wriggle and swim around the tank. We’ve been learning about the life cycle of a frog and know that the next stage in the cycle is for the tadpoles to grow back legs. We keep looking at them closely to check for signs of legs.

In maths, we’ve been singing ‘5 Little Speckled Frogs‘ and have been carefully counting how many frogs are left on the log after each verse.

How many frogs jumped into the pond?  How many are on the log? If there are 3 frogs on the log, how many are there in the pond?

Our other learning and interests this week have included:

Next week’s learning:

We saw lots of insects this week and there was a lot of interest in a bee that we found. Children enjoyed looking at the wings and stripes closely on it using the magnifying app on an iPad. Next week, we’ll follow this interest and find out about bees and ladybirds.

Sound of the week – Y for yoyo

Nursery rhyme of the week – Ring-a-ring-a-roses