Welcome to Foundation!

Wednesday 05 September 2018

We’ve been very busy getting the classroom and outdoor environment ready today. We’re excited for your child to see their new classroom environment in the next few weeks.

Miss Morris (Foundation 1) has been busy gardening and digging up some vegetables we have grown.

Mrs Beesley (Foundation 1) has been busy in the water area!

Mrs Long (Foundation 1) has been on the bikes!

Miss Backhouse (Foundation 1) has been with the dinosaurs!

Mrs Myers (Foundation 2) has been working hard trimming the den!

Mrs Flynn (Foundation 2) and Toffee have been on the slide!

Miss Daniels (Foundation 2) has been digging in the sand tray!

Miss Eckersley (Foundation 2) and Treacle have been busy in the mud kitchen!

We’re looking forward to welcoming some children into Foundation 2 tomorrow.