We always sing lots of rhymes in Nursery, but as it was World Nursery Rhyme Week, we sang even more than usual! Nursery rhymes are a great way to increase children’s awareness of rhyming, which is a key part of phonological awareness.
Research has shown that children who learn nursery rhymes go on to become better readers. This is only true when they learn these rhymes with an adult – please avoid only letting your child watch nursery rhymes on screens as it doesn’t have the same impact.
This week, lots of our areas of provision were linked to popular rhymes. We used our fine motor skills to Wind the Bobbin Up. Incy Wincy Spider was washed down the spout in the water tray and we created our own spiders remembering to count their legs carefully.
Currant buns with cherries on the top were on the menu in the playdough area.
Outside we made lots of cups of tea, pouring carefully so that we didn’t spill any tea. We enjoyed using lots of different sized teapots.
As always in Nursery we follow children’s interests. Fire engines and fire fighters has been an interest that started after Bonfire Night. We have found out about firefighters using our small world area. This week we helped to put out some “fires” of our own using water sprays. It was great fun and also helped to strengthen the muscles in our fingers. This finger exercise develops the muscles needed to hold a pencil.
Help at home
Here’s a link to lots of popular Nursery Rhymes – pick your favourite to sing along at home, or find a new one to learn together.
Top tip -Leave gaps at the end of the line for the children to complete the rhyme, for example ” Hickory, Hickory dock, the mouse ran up the ……..”
What’s your child’s favourite rhyme?
Send us an email to let us know and we’ll make sure we sing it in Nursery. scholesnursery@spherefederation.org
Don’t forget to book an appointment for our Parent Teacher Consultations, you will have received a message about this. On this occasion it is via zoom, next time it will be in person.
Next week, we’re going to read ‘Peace at Last’ by Jill Murphy. In the story Mr Bear hears lots of sounds in his house and he can’t get to sleep. We’ll continue with our Phase 1 phonics learning, listening for environmental sounds around us and we’ll talk about ‘night time’.
Nursery rhyme of the week – Hickory Dickory Dock
Sound of the week – Tt – tiger
Open your lips; put the tip of your
tongue behind your teeth and press
t t t