We always sing lots of rhymes in Nursery, but as it was World Nursery Rhyme Week, we sang even more than usual! Nursery rhymes are an essential part of developing early literacy skills and have many benefits.
Here’s a link to lots of popular Nursery Rhymes – pick your favourite to sing along to at home, or find a new one to learn together. What’s your child’s favourite rhyme? Send us an email to let us know and we’ll make sure we sing it in Nursery. scholesnursery@spherefederation.org
This week, lots of our areas of provision were linked to popular rhymes. We sorted Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars in the maths area and made some simple repeating patterns. Big star, little star, big star, little star... Children carefully folded legs for Incy Wincy Spider and printed Baa Baa Black sheep at the creative table. In the sensory area, children loved making Jelly on a plate wibble and wobble! We also had lots of cups of tea in the water area as we sang I’m a Little Teapot.
On Friday, we enjoyed joining in with some fun, spotty themed activities to join in with fundraising for Children in Need.