3,4B: we’re geographers (and presenters)

Monday 30 January 2023

We’ve been loving our current geography topic all about volcanoes.

You might remember we learnt about the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull (Iceland) in 2010. Recently, we’ve carried out another case study. This time on Mount Vesuvius (Italy).

We thought about the negative aspects of living near a volcano and found out there’re lots of positives, too: the soil is good for farming, volcanoes bring a lot of tourism and diamonds are often found in volcanic rock which can be mined then sold.

Then, to demonstrate our knowledge we wrote, practised and performed a short news report about our learning. One of us was the presenter and one of us played the part of a local resident who had to justify why they live so close to Vesuvius (an active, deadly volcano!).

Help at home by asking your child why volcanoes are both good and bad.