What is it?
I wanted to be a junior leader because I want to help improve our school.
Our Junior Leadership Team is democracy, a British value, in action. The Junior Leadership Team (JLT) of Scholes (Elmet) consists of two representatives from each class, from Year 1 to Year 6. The JLT meet frequently, at least once every half-term, to express views and make decisions.
Staff are always keen to know the views of our pupils.
Decisions have included how to improve the outdoor areas around the school – the JLT (previously known as the School Council) chose to invest in more large play equipment. They explore ways to recycle more and offer views on things like school dinners. The council also have the final say on what charity the school supports over the course of the year. The JLT are sometimes even involved in the recruitment of staff in school.
Representatives of the JLT are very much active citizens.
Join in
Being on the JLT gives me an important role within the school.
Each year, pupils at Scholes (Elmet) elect two junior leaders from each class.
Based on election speeches, they vote for the candidate who they think will represent them best.
If you want to be part of the JLT, tell your teacher when it’s close to election time and prepare your speech well.
In the meantime, make sure you let your current junior leaders know your views!
I like help deciding how we can improve our school and make it a better place for me and my friends.