Christmas in KS1

Wednesday 20 December 2023

The children have been enjoying a lovely festive week in school this week. They performed their little socks off and displayed their singing and dancing talents at both of the Nativity shows. WELL DONE YEAR 1 AND 2!!!

Today, in all classes, we received a mysterious phone call to tell us that we had been sent a very special email. The big man himself, Santa Claus, had sent us an email with a video to watch. It turns out he had been to our school when we were at home last night and he had delivered some gifts to our classrooms for us. We were SO excited and searched for the presents in class. There was one for everyone. We’re even more excited now for the Christmas dinner tomorrow and for the party on Friday.

Merry Christmas everyone from all the KS1 staff.

Help at home: by taking some time to relax and recuperate after a long term and by enjoying some wonderful family time together.