Last week, the children began to collect conkers and we have been using them in the classroom to support our learning.
This inspired us to go on an Autumn walk around school looking for signs of Autumn. The children noticed the leaves on the trees were beginning to change colour and some have already started to fall from the trees. We have apple, pear and horse chestnut trees in our foundation garden where we have observed the apples, pears and conkers growing and falling from the trees. We also found blackberries growing on a bush. We talked about the weather and how it is starting to change for Autumn.
- “It’s really windy and cold.”
- “When it’s winter, flowers die because it’s really cold and there’s no sun. Then when it’s summer they come back to life.”
The children learnt a song about Autumn (sung to the tune of ‘London Bridge is Falling Down’)
Autumn leaves are falling down, falling down, falling down. Autumn leaves are falling down, see them falling.
Yellow, orange, red and brown, red and brown, red and brown. Yellow, orange, red and brown, see them falling.
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Please fill a bag with Autumn treasures that you and your child can collect together. This could be from your local park or woods and can include colourful leaves, conkers, pine cones or anything else relating to Autumn. Please bring your Autumn treasure into school to share with us.