Ferdie and Fern have been busy…

Friday 09 September 2022

We’ve had a great week meeting some of our new children during their home visits. It was lovely to find out a little bit about you all and we’re looking forward to getting to know you more when we welcome you to Nursery next week.

Nursery is looking fantastic; there are lots of exciting areas to play in and we can’t wait to show you our new playground.  Our Nursery foxes, Ferdie and Fern, are looking forward to having some more friends to play with.  As you can see from the photos, they’ve already been busy testing out some of our toys, playing in the fairy garden and sliding down the slide!

Ferdie and Mrs Beesley loved using the diggers and crane in the  construction small world area.

Mrs Long helped a fairy to whizz down the slide in the fairy garden with Fern the Fox.

Mrs Kilburn told Fern all about her holiday to the seaside as she built a sandcastle in the Sunshine Room.

Lots of you told us that you love to read ‘The Gruffalo’ when we visited you this week. Ferdie enjoyed listening to the story with Miss Thomas in the book corner.

It’s not just the fairies that like slides; Miss Morris and Fern loved testing out our new climbing frame and slide. Whhhhheeeeeeeeee!

Mrs Gosper has really missed singing and playing with the Nursery instruments in the holidays. She couldn’t wait to make some noise in the Nursery garden!

Here are a few reminders of some of the things that we talked about at our home visits.

Have a great weekend and we’ll look forward to seeing you next week.