I know the importance of 60 active minutes each day

Tuesday 21 May 2024

This week our Living and Learning statement is ‘I know the importance of 60 active minutes each day.’ In class, KS1 have been discussing what ‘active’ means. We know that physical activity can increase our heart rate and sometimes increase our breathing.

Physical activity is important as it helps to keep our bodies healthy. We know that we don’t have to do our recommended 60 minutes in one go, we can divide it throughout the day.

In school we keep active in many different ways such as at playtime, during WUSU, PE and Go Noodle dances. School also offers may after school clubs to keep up active, or we can do similar clubs outside of school.

In class 2C, we came up with some ways that we can stay physically active throughout the day/ week. We wrote them down and drew some pictures. KS1 also went out onto the playground and did some physical activities of their choice.