Incy Wincy Spider

Wednesday 21 November 2018

On Tuesday, it was very wet and miserable outside. We said lots of rainy day related rhymes, including ‘Doctor Foster’,  ‘Rain, rain go away,’ and of course, ‘Incy Wincy Spider’.

Doctor Foster went to Gloucester
In a shower of rain.
He fell in a puddle, right up to his middle
And never went there again.

Whilst singing in the Nursery Rhyme corner, a big spider ran across the carpet. We caught it and looked at it closely before letting it go again. A few minutes later, somebody found another spider in the bottom of a box. Sadly, this spider was dead, but that also meant that we could use our magnifying glasses and Exploroscope to look at its eight legs very closely. (The Exploroscope is a digital microscope that connects to the iPad. It is easy to use and very child friendly.)

Children were fascinated!

“Look at all those spikes,” one child commented when they saw the tiny little hairs on its legs. Once we’d finished looking at the spider, children went on to explore other items including shells, pine cones and their own hands and hair!

“It’s on the iPad and its really, really big!”

“Can I see my finger nail? Closer, closer,”