Living & Learning – Anti-Bullying Week

Friday 17 November 2023

Anti-Bullying Week 2023 is coordinated in England, Wales and Northern Ireland by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. This year it has the theme ‘Make A Noise About Bullying’ and took place from Monday 13th to Friday 17th November. The week kicked off with Odd Socks Day on Monday 13th November, where adults and children wore odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique.

The theme this year was ‘Make A Noise About Bullying’ and came about following consultation with teachers and pupils by the Anti-Bullying Alliance . Teachers and children wanted a theme that empowered them to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes.

On Monday afternoon we came off our usual timetable to learn about what bullying is, the effects of bullying and how we can put a stop to it. We are really clear on the acronyms for bullying below:

What is bullying –

How can we stop bullying –

At home you could ask your child if they can tell you the two acronyms for bullying and what they are!