Morwick Grove

Monday 20 November 2023
As the bad weather approaches, there’s been an inevitable increase in morning traffic and the number of children being brought to school in cars. We thought it would be a good idea at this stage to send something out to parents/carers about the agreement that the school has with our Morwick Grove neighbours.
The long strip of grass down the side of Morwick Grove, adjacent to the school boundary hedge, is owned by neighbours on Morwick Grove. It is not owned by school, Leeds City Council or the Parish Council. Access to the Nursery and Out of School Club is granted to us by our neighbours as a goodwill gesture – it’s not a right. Because we want to maintain the good relations we have, we ask that parents/carers using Morwick Grove ensure that they park and use this area respectfully. Please do not park on the double yellow lines or grass verge, and please do not block residents’ driveways.
If you’ve any questions about this, please give us a call or catch us at the school gate.