Reading Records: WAGOLL

Friday 18 November 2022

Your child may sometimes come home from school and say that they have seen a WAGOLL.  We often use WAGOLL (What A Good One Looks Like) to demonstrate how we want a particular piece of work or behaviour to look like.  Today I want to share an example of a WAGOLL Reading Record.

Our expectation for pupils is a minimum of 10 to 15 minutes reading at home each day with an adult.  When the child has read with their adult, the date, book title and pages read needs to be recorded in the diary section, and the adult needs to sign this.  Furthermore, if homework has been set, this must also be completed.  This allows the pupil to immerse themselves into the text beyond simply reading to a target page.  We are seeing an increasing number of pupils who either forget to bring their reading records or forgot to complete the homework.

It is vital that pupils are reading at home, and completing the homework when set.

Parents, please continue to support your child’s reading at home.  Developing their competence in this area is vital in them being able to access the wider curriculum.