Most of the Year 1 and 2 children are working on or towards their ASA Learn to Swim Stage 2 Awards in school swimming lessons this half term. Nicole (our swimming instructor) is pleased with their progress and will assess the children at the end of term. If your child achieves the award, a slip will be sent home. There has been a focus on breaststroke, water confidence (including swimming 5m under water), swimming through a hoop and picking up sinker rings. The next award will be 10m badge which requires breaststroke, backstroke and front crawl. The strokes will be a big focus next half term.
Children in Reception class (F2) are working on their Duckling 1 badge and will also be assessed soon. Their water confidence and ability to get changed independently has also improved since they started swimming lessons in school.
Here are some comments from children about their swimming lessons…
- ‘I can now do backstroke.’
- ‘I have enjoyed doing different strokes.’
- ‘We do frog legs. Bend, out, together!’
- ‘When I first went under the water, it was a bit scary. I enjoy going under the water now!’
- ‘I like going under the water to fetch the mermaid toy.’