We love reading!

Friday 21 September 2018

Today, Y5 and 6 enjoyed our weekly love of reading session. Some of us brought a book in from home and loved immersing ourselves in it. Others read a book from school or the First News newspaper. Whatever we were reading, we made sure to discuss it with the people around us and some of us even recommended a book to a friend.

In our reading groups, we had a ‘book club’ with our teachers where we discussed the book we’re all currently reading. We were given a target page that we need to read to before Friday next week – has your child told you what their page is?

Reading is really important to children’s development as a learner – some research even suggests that improvements in reading leads to improvements in other areas of the curriculum such as maths.

You can help at home by encouraging your child to read more often. If you’re struggling to think of books that would be good to read, check out this list of 100 books to read in Year 5 and 6. Also, try talking about reading to foster a love of reading. Here is a few ideas that might get the conversation started…

Finally, our library session takes place every Wednesday. Please ensure your child has their library book in school on this day.