Welcome back!

Tuesday 18 April 2023

Welcome back after the Easter holiday, I hope you had a lovely rest and are ready for another fun-filled term of learning.

Just a few little reminders…

Please encourage your child to read at home daily. This is really important in them becoming fluent, confident readers. If your child isn’t a fluent reader, it can limit their learning in other subject areas too. This reading can be recorded in their journals and these need to be in school every Friday. Please ensure your child has completed their weekly task and add your signature to show you have checked this.

Homework will still be sent home on a Friday. This will contain Talk Time and spellings. The spellings need to be learnt at home ready for a test the following week. Don’t forget that you can make this fun – play some games, create some flashcards!

If you feel like your child needs any further support, please come in and chat to us.

Here’s to a successful half term!