This week, the children have learnt the phonemes (the sound a letter makes) ck, e, u, r. The introduction of ‘ck’ was also our first digraph (two letters that make one sound) The children have been listening to and saying words that begin or end with these phonemes. They’ve also been practicing writing the graphemes (the written letters).
You may choose to play an I Spy game at home using these new phonemes.
This week has been all about the number three! We’ve been noticing patterns of three, making three collections and representing three!
Maps- Where we live
We’ve loved exploring maps of our local area- Scholes!
We started the week by looking at a simple map with symbols and a key. We watched a video on how to use maps.
On Wednesday, we went for a local walk. We followed our own map and stopped at all the points along the way:
On the walk, the children discussed things they noticed or remembered about our area:
“My house is up there!”- Jacob
“I used to go to that doctor’s and now I go to a different one”- Arthur
“My uncle lives near here!”- Jack
“I went to this church when I was a little kid!”- Alfie
“I’ve been here for ‘Little Fishes’ (church)”- Bethany
“This is to remember people in the war” (War memorial)- Georgie
We finished our walk at a special place in the Scholes community- St Philips Church. The children discovered the names of different objects and areas within the church. They also looked at the Harvest Festival activities and collections that are currently taking place.
Throughout the week, the children have been having a go at drawing their own maps of the street that they live on. Some of them have even been drawing big maps with the chalks outside!
Did you know?…
Did you know that we have a special ‘Parent Partnership’ board in both Sunshine and Rainbow Class? Here, we note down what your child has been interested in at school. There’s also a space for you to write your child’s interests from home. There are lots of ways you can share interests from home. You can come in and write on their special postcard or you can fill in a ‘learning at home’ or ‘wow sheet’ and bring it in. You can find the sheets here
Poetry Picnic
Each week, we will be learning a new poem. We will recite this poem each day. By saying the poem out loud we can focus on the sounds and rhythm of each word or line.
This week’s poem is Falling Apples
Ask your child to tell you the poem at home! Can they remember it by heart?
Learn at home phonics sheet
Today, your child has come home with a ‘learn at home’ phonics sheet. The sheets link to our current learning in phonics and will be sent home each Friday. Please support your child by practising their new sounds and reading skills at home.
Funky Phonics Stay and Play 12.10.22
Please only attend if you have sent in your RSVP slip or have spoken to the class teacher. This is to ensure we have adequate space in the classroom for teaching. We can’t wait to share our learning with you!
Individual School Photos 12.10.22
Please send your child into school in school uniform, not PE kits on this day. Don’t forget to bring your swimming kit too, if your child is in Rainbow class.