3,4B Class News

Thursday 02 May 2024

This week we have learnt lots of information about York and Venice across the curriculum!

In writing, we have produced our own promotional piece on either Venice or York – explaining lots of varied information about our chosen city whilst using persuasive devices such as alliteration, commands and rhetorical questions to encourage our audience to visit!

In geography, we have produced fact files on York and Venice – this time focusing on three geographical concepts – location, scale and place. This included using atlases to establish the direction from Leeds and the latitude and research online to find out facts such as population and size.

This term, our new class novel in Y3/4 is ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’. We are all really enjoying the story so far and can’t wait to find out what happens to Edward next!

Help at home by continuing to listen to your child read and asking them questions as they go to help develop their understanding.