Year 5 & 6 Class News

Skipping Success

Posted on Saturday 24 March 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Skipping fever is alive and well at Scholes. Here are some children who have made rapid progress with their skipping skills over the last few weeks. Although each of them had different starting points, they have set their own targets and shown great resilience in achieving their goals.

114,530 skips at Scholes School today!

Posted on Friday 23 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

As part of our efforts to raise money for Sport Relief and our school charity, The Donkey Sanctuary, we aimed to complete 50,000 skips collectively today. We smashed our target and completed 114,530! We also enjoyed watching our Year 4 skipping team rehearse for the skipping competition in May.

Living and Learning: I can receive a compliment sensibly.

Posted on Friday 16 March 2018 by

We’ve been thinking about how to receive compliments this week.

Giving and receiving compliments is a good way to make and keep friends and create positive relationships. We’ve reflected on how we react when we get a compliment. It can make someone’s day if we say thank you! Equally, it’s upsetting if you give a compliment that isn’t received well.

Chris the coach

Posted on Wednesday 14 March 2018 by

We love having basketball coaching with Chris every Wednesday. Today, we learned how to pass the ball around the opposition. It was trickier than we thought!

Reading journals

Posted on Tuesday 13 March 2018 by

Year 5/6 have been excited about using their reading journals at home. Here is a good example from Millie. She’s written a summary of a book she read at home.

Remember to record your thoughts about characters in them.

Topic book review

Posted on Monday 12 March 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Thank you to the parents who were able to join the year 5/6 topic review session on Monday. The children were able to talk at length about their work, the work of their classmates and the learning that has taken place during this topic.

We agreed on some highlights:

  • the Askham Bryan trip
  • researching and classifying animals
  • reading and following  instructions to create a heart

This week, we shall be learning about adaptation and evolution as this ‘big topic’ comes to a close.

World Book Day 

Posted on Saturday 10 March 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Although the snow tried to ruin World Book Day this year, children still found the time to share their books with each other.

Living and Learning

Posted on Wednesday 07 March 2018 by Mr Lindsay

This week, class 5/6M thought about the different types of compliments we give and receive. We decided that you could classify them based on whether it was about a skill, your looks or a personality trait. Which one do you like to receive the most? The children also made a pledge about giving compliments.

Weekly skipping challenge

Posted on Wednesday 07 March 2018 by Mr Lindsay

For the past few weeks, children have set themselves a skipping challenge: how many skips can they achieve in a minute? Most children have made good progress. Some have made outstanding progress. One child, who had never seen himself as a skipper, has gone from five skips to a super 70 skips per minute. Try to make skipping part of your 30 active minutes at home. 

Askham Bryan Wildlife and Conservation Park

Posted on Sunday 25 February 2018 by Mr Lindsay

On Friday, year 5/6 visited Askham Bryan Wildlife and Conservation Park. We had a brilliant time learning about classification and evolution.