
15 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 14 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hi everyone.

We hope you’ve all had a wonderful weekend despite some rain. Please continue to share work you’re proud of or just check in with an email- they are a delight to receive!

As always, let us know if you have any questions – we’re all happy to help.
If you like cricket, check out this link for a fun skill in your garden to keep you active.

Here are your weekly spellings:

This week, we’re looking at words which contain the k sound which is written as ch.









Your task is to practise some of these words using one or two of the spelling strategies.


Y3 Video Lesson

Task: RIC

Y4 Video Lesson


Video Lesson

Vocabulary Task



Weather and climate

Weather and climate 2


Sidney, Stella and the Moon 

Sidney, Stella and the Moon - www.emmayarlett.com

Home learning help

Posted on Friday 12 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

The teachers at school have been talking to some families who are continuing to learn from home this week. There was a common topic of conversation : this is all dragging on and becoming quite tricky at times!

It has been a long time since we have all been back at school with our classes and we understand that home learning is challenging. Here are a few links that might help if you are wanting more activities to engage your child.

This is great for working on all number facts and you can try to improve your own score. We use this in school on iPads but can also be played on laptops : https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Passwords for Numbots or Times Table Rockstars are the same : https://play.numbots.com/#/intro or https://ttrockstars.com/ Email your teacher if you have lost it.

Loads of resources on here including reading : https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resources/parents

For reading and phonics games : https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/

Maths teaching videos and other resources : https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/

Variety of lessons, recorded by teachers : https://classroom.thenational.academy/

We love Go Noodle for a sing and dance : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2YBT7HYqCbbvzu3kKZ3wnw

Or Cosmic Yoga Kids for a more relaxing workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga

Please ring school or email your child’s teacher if you need support and we will try to help.

12 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 11 June 2020 by Mr Lindsay

Happy Friday everyone. Have a great weekend and don’t forget to send in any questions or comments about the home learning to your class teacher. What did you enjoy? What type of activities do you want to do more?

Year 5 Maths


Click on the link above for today’s starter.

Your learning for today is about adding 2 fractions where the answer could be greater than 1.

Adding fractions

Year 6 Maths

It’s been a few weeks since we took our last arithmetic check. Here is the 2017 paper. Set your timer to thirty minutes and off you go. If there are any questions that you are struggling with, just e mail Mr Lindsay and he can dedicate a whole lesson to it next week. Have Fun!

Here are the answers so you can check how well you did.

Year 5/6 reading

Today we are using our reflective skills, and using the National lockdown as our subject. Watch this video and complete the tasks.

Why are we doing this?

It is important to talk share our thoughts and feelings about the current global pandemic and the different effects it has had on us as individuals. Use this lesson to talk honestly, and reflect upon the positive and negative impacts of your lives today. Maybe talking about some of your less favourite parts will open up ideas and opportunities to make them better!

Year 5/6 Spanish

Ola! Do you remember any Spanish? Have a go at this video from Oak National Academy.

12 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Thursday 11 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

Friday is here! Hope you’ve all had a good week?

Maths – 10 less

Find 10 less than each of these numbers. Use what you know about place value (especially the tens) and subtract 10.

22 – 10 = 12

54 – 10 =

25 – 10 =

88 – 10 =

13 – 10 =

47 – 10 =

75 – 10 =

16 – 10 =

69 – 10 =

Challenge : Choose numbers between 10 and 100. Find 10 more and 10 less of each number.

Eg 15   25   35


Have a go at this reading challenge. It is really hard to read the word instead of the colour!


Read the colour jokes to someone.

There are more jokes here : https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/bad-joke-corner-2

Hope you have a funny Friday!

12 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 11 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello and Happy Friday!

This week, we’ve had a focus on Living and Learning: I see things from other people’s point of view.

  • Think – What have you learned from this statement?

Much of the learning this week has been about racism, empathy and understanding. Hopefully, you know more about these words and can share some of your thoughts and ideas.

  • Think – Do you know what racism is?

If you want to read more information, check out First News (page 7) and read the article on the USA protests.

👏Thank you to everybody who has emailed their teacher with updates, photos and messages. We will upload our Home Learning Heroes to our Class News site so you can see your all of the Year 3/4 photos there.

Have a good weekend!

Today’s learning:


Y3 Video: 4 x times tables test

Y3 and Y4 -This week, our Friday problem is about shape, nets and visualising (a key skill).  Look at the task and consider the problem and how you will go about it. There are two support sheets, one in black and white, and the other in colour. It will help you visualise the cubes, or you could make a net of a cube and stick on the square faces.

A Puzzling Cube: Task

Support 1: A Puzzling Cube – black and white

Support 2: A Puzzling Cube – colour

Solution to the problem

Extra Challenge: Make an octahedron


answers 11.06.20


Task 12.06.20


Science – Parts and function of a plant

Story -read by Mrs McCormick

The Iron Man – Final part

11 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 10 June 2020 by Mr Lindsay

Happy Thursday! We are really pleased to see so many of you sending in your work. Remember to read for at least 20 minutes per day. You might want to send in your book reviews so that other people know which books to read.

Year 5 Maths


Click on the link above for today’s starter.

Your learning for today is about adding and subtracting fractions within 1.

Adding and subtracting fractions

Year 6 Maths

Here are the answers to yesterday’s problem solving activity.

For your starter, complete the 12 missing digit additions in your book. Remember to check your answers using an inverse calculation.

To complete our work on place value, play the Palace of Place Value levels on Guardians of Mathematica

Year 5/6 Reading

Have a go at this First News comprehension.

Year 5/6 Writing

Watch and complete this video lesson by Mr Catherall.

11 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 10 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

Hello everyone. Here is the learning for today.

Maths – 10  more

Find 10 more of each of these numbers. Use what you know about place value (especially the tens) and add another 10.

22 + 10 = 32

54 + 10 =

25 + 10 =

88 + 10 =

13 + 10 =

47 + 10 =

75 + 10 =

16 + 10 =

69 + 10 =

Challenge : Draw the answers showing the tens and ones.



Watch the rainbow song : https://youtu.be/4g0NbaukkQc

Sing along and write down all the colour words in the song.

Challenge : Write the whole song out in your best handwriting.

Topic – Art

Have a go at making your own rainbow art. It could be anything you choose – on the iPad, draw, paint, chalk, collage – you decide!

11 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 10 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hi everyone!

It was Empathy Day on Tuesday- did you get involved? I know some of you made empathy glasses. 

Our Living and Learning Statement this week is : I see things from other people’s point of view.

This Living and Learning statement links with the British value of mutual respect and tolerance. It promotes empathy and understanding. Here’s a short clip (6 mins) from yesterday’s Empathy Day, called The Listening Switch, which promotes listening to others and understanding them.

We love short poems in Year 3/4 and here is a good one: Empathy Poem

Here are your tasks for today:


Y3 Video lesson

Y3 task : tenths as decimals and challenge task 

Y3 4x tables worksheet

Y4 Video lesson: 1 2D shape

Y4 Video lesson: 2 mixed times tables

Y4 12x tables worksheet


Answers 10.06.20

Video Lesson

Task 11.06.20


Read through the Living and Learning PPT all about racism and talk about it with an adult. If you have any questions, queries or thoughts from this learning, then please email your teacher.

Living and Learning: racism PPT

Story – read by Mrs McCormick

The Iron Man #3


Hello from school!

Posted on Wednesday 10 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

A quick video from Mrs Latham, Miss Parling and Miss Lowry : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cY16i4C2KL

10 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 09 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

Good morning everyone.


When we are looking at bigger numbers, we talk about partitioning them. Learning about place value is important so you know how much each digit is worth. Watch the video about place value : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z8sfr82/articles/zw4g2nb

Look at the pictures and use what you know about counting tens and ones to count the objects.

Challenge :


Watch the video about contractions : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gubPH3WEurg

Write these words as contractions :

I am = I’m

does not

where is

there is

could not

I will

do not

Challenge : Put each contraction into a sentence.

Topic – Living and Learning

Draw two jars and choose two different emotions and draw things in the jars that remind you of that emotion or that make you feel that emotion. Eg happy – sunshine, ice cream, friends, kittens.